Welcome to My World

I love working with technology. Especially mobile technology. I have designed and developed highly customized web, mobile, and touchscreen applications for numerous companies, colleges, and cultural institutions. Feel free to explore my site and reach out to me for ideas on your next project.

Responsive Web

The amazing frameworks out there make this job much easier. But there is always a certain level of knowledge and customization required.

Apps & Mobile

I have extensive experience with both Native iOS and PhoneGap Mobile Apps. Which one can I build for your organization?


I love bringing technology to museums. Maybe it’s because I’m a curator at heart, or maybe it’s because the possibilities are endless.


  • Adobe CC
  • Adobe Flash & ActionScript 3
  • Adobe AIR Applications
  • Interactive Kiosks
  • PHP
  • mySQL
  • WooCommerce
  • HTML 5.0
  • Responsive CSS
  • jQuery + jQuery Mobile
  • Registered PhoneGap Developer
  • Instagram API
  • Facebook Open Graph API
  • Augmented Reality
  • Joomla!, WordPress, & Drupal
  • Native iOS Apps
  • Registered iOS Developer
  • Google Maps and Geolocation
  • GeoFencing
  • Axure Wireframing
  • Agile/Scrum Project Management