Montpelier, the Home of James and Dolly Madison

I have done multiple projects for this wonderful historic institution in the heart of Virginia and will be adding more examples of digital projects. For now, a design I did for their traveling educational exhibit.

KEY – Kenyon. Energy. You.

From naming, branding, designing, and programming, Kenyon College was a "from scratch" sustainability awareness and behavior change program created in conjunction with Ameresco, an international renewable energy company. Kenyon received energy audits and upgrades to create a campus of high-performance buildings. These buildings save energy, but those savings will only go so far without the occupants participating in the energy conservation. KEY creates a bridge between the building updates by educating the faculty and students on ways their behaviors they…

An Interactive History of Ironworks Pike

The Kentucky Horse Park was awarded Federal Transportation Enhancement funding to renovate the structural components of the "Big Barn". The Big Barn is the second largest truss barn in the world and was deeded to the park when the grounds were originally purchased for the park's creation in the 1970's. In addition to the building improvements, the funding also provided for the implementation of a carriage museum as well as a visitor center related to the history of the Iron…

Kentucky Military Treasures

To celebrate the complete restoration of the State Arsenal (and home of The Kentucky Military History Museum), The Kentucky Historical Society asked for the creation of a touchscreen interactive that would share the deeper stories of Kentucky's Veterans. The Kentucky Military Treasures Online Exhibition does just that, showcasing the extraordinary lives and military stories of 9 Kentuckians who served their state and country with pride. Focusing on veterans from the War of 1812 all the way up to current deployment…

A Gift From the Desert

This was the third major international exhibition held by The International Museum of the Horse at The Kentucky Horse Park and included a 3 year search for art and artifacts from Riyadh, Cairo, Paris, London, Berlin, New Orleans, New York, Boston, and numerous other cities across the globe. The depth and range of the exhibit was breathtaking to say the least, and I was honored to be asked to create a companion exhibition interactive to share a deeper narrative on…

Moveable Type

There's a certain brand of perfection that you see in all good design, especially when it comes to web and UX/UI design. It's a community that lavishes attention on a truly micro level, giving consideration to the placement of every pixel, line, and shadow. I am as guilty of it as anyone else, and to truly give your projects the attention they deserve, you kinda have to be. That's why it's so refreshing to step away from the box and…

Rin Tanaka’s Harley-Davidson Book of Fashions

At the intersection of motorcycle culture and curator-like passion lies Rin Tanaka’s Fantastic Harley-Davidson Book of Fashions This book appeals to me on so many levels. The most obvious is the subject matter of course – an comprehensive look at a relatively unseen side of iconic Harley-Davidson. We are all familiar with the brand and most enthusiasts can rattle off Harley models going back decades, but few of us have gotten such an intimate glimpse into the supporting heritage and…